If you don't want to press any buttons, or you're someplace where you can't be bothered with calls or messages, put your hand over the watch and hold for a few seconds. Cover the display with your hand: Silence watch You see a list of several available actions for you to choose from.

On the next screen, tap the record icon to record your initial Siri phrase. By default, the Apple Watch-related actions don’t pop up, so use the top search bar to track down ‘Watch’ related actions for your shortcut. You can run shortcuts from the Shortcuts app, trigger a shortcut with the Action button, or add them as complications to your watch face. With the shortcuts you create on your iPhone, you can quickly get directions home, create a top 25 playlist, and more. Tap Add to Siri to enable the Spotify Siri shortcuts. The Shortcuts app on Apple Watch Ultra lets you trigger tasks with just a tap. Tap the three dots to open the editing screen, then tap the Settings icon. In your library, youll find the Spotify Siri shortcut. Now you can quickly double-tap Space while typing to automatically insert a period followed by a space.
It's the closest thing to multitasking on the Apple Watch. Tap Get Shortcut to install it, then tap Open to open the Shortcuts app. Double click again and you'll go back to the other app. Just double click and you'll get back there. If you want to make it a FaceTime call, search for FaceTime and add that.
To call someone else, tap the tiny plus icon. Even though Allow this shortcut to access' was enabled, it still asked for permit to run the shortcuts every time I want to execute them (4 shortcuts to switch on/off two plugs, these work with Philips Hue but not straight from 'home' cause no apple HomeKit). 2) Type Call in the bottom search box and tap a suggested contact. You want to get back to the map, but you don't want to dig back and look for the app in the app grid. Follow these steps to create a shortcut to instantly call someone in one tap: 1) Open the Shortcut app and from My Shortcuts, tap the plus icon (+). Let's say you're getting directions, but you suddenly get a text message. (By the way, to get out of power reserve, you'll need to press and hold again to reboot the Apple Watch.) Double click the Digital Crown: Go back to the last app You can turn off the watch completely (press and hold again to turn back on), lock the watch (it'll require your passcode to unlock) or go into "power reserve," a mode that shuts down everything except a basic clock display. That flat button's basically the power button: press and hold, and you'll see three options pop up. Tip: Touch and hold the Repeat variable to set the number of repetitions to a variable. Click and hold the flat button: Turn off watch, or power reserve

No passwords or Touch ID are needed, as long as the watch is on your wrist. Now bring it close to an Apple Pay-ready card terminal and it should work. Double click and a little icon for your credit card shows up on-screen. That flat button doubles as the key to Apple's easy onboard payments system.